What’s the same points and difference between Ordinary milling machine and CNC milling machine ?

Same Point: The same point of Ordinary milling machine and CNC milling machine is that their processing principle are the same.

Difference: CNC milling machine is much easier to operate than ordinary milling machine. Because high speed running, one people can monitor several machines, that improved the processing power of the equipment operation greatly. Program and pass the code into the computer of the CNC milling machine first, then it will operate on its own. CNC milling machine is only suitable for batch processing production.

Ordinary milling machine is operated manually, it has more freedom than CNC milling machine, and it’s able to produce complex single and several workpieces, however ordinary milling machine should be based on skilled engineer. Generally speaking, because of low speed of processing power, this method is only suitable for small quantity, but the production cost is much cheaper than CNC milling machine.

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Post time: Jan-07-2021